Friday, June 3, 2016

Sterile or Immune?

We often hear the word "immune" (immune / resistant) and "sterile". Immunization is an attempt provide immune (immunity) in infants and children with the vaccine in the form of deliberately inserting microbial life / virus that has been weakened. The body will take the fight to make antibodies that will serve continuously to fight the disease that tried to attack. While sterilization is the process of removing all kinds of living organisms (fungi, bacteria, viruses).

In the Christian life, some people sterilize their life of the negative things in a way that is rather 'unique' and tend to be too quick to judge other people's lives. The sterile thought assume negative things around them as bacteria and viruses that can contaminate them and should be kept away and removed. Their focus on things that are negative rather than build immunity from within. The understanding of the truth did not wake thoroughly and intact. Consider themselves already the most correct. Sometimes being too 'sterile', they are not being able to see the positive things in the vicinity. The life of the 'sterile' susceptible and vulnerable to sin. Once they are infected by sin, the result can be severe and fatal. They probably stay in sin, pretending and keeping their religious life. They become hypocrite! Ironic, isn't it? 

The Shield of Faith
Differences with the 'immune' is responding and reacting. They are aware that sin / negative things can happen in their lives. They do not compromise with sin and know by relying in the Holy Spirit, the Word and the grace of God, they can become 'immune' against it all. Yes, they could fall into sin. But with the warning of the Holy Spirit, they immediately converted. In this process, 'antibodies' was formed. Learning to things that are negative, reflecting through the Word and fellowship with the Holy Spirit, making them 'immune'. Stand firm and resist when the attack of sin come and become more than a conqueror! 

Well, are you 'sterile' or 'immune'? (sc)